

我以前在校時期, 沒什麼機會學習許多歷史和地理, 因為我的科系是家政, 或是藝術.  所以我決定看一些不錯的歷史電視劇或電影, 然後再做一些資料的調查, 更進一步的認識它們.  我最近在看中國著名的歷史劇" 新三國演義".  這故事是發生在漢代末期, 君主微弱, 失去了統理政治的能力.  導至所有的諸侯篡起爭奪各自的土地, 成就屬於自己的領土.  每位諸侯都有他們遠大的志向.  當然他們的都會有一個很驚人的宰相在身邊待著.  最有名的當然是諸葛亮輔佐劉備幫他攻下領土.  諸葛亮不但是聰明, 他還飽學世書.  最令人驚奇的是他了解任何人的思維, 而且有著寬闊的胸襟.  他總是知道自己的身份何在, 然後去完成他每一次的任務.  他也許不是一位諸侯, 也未曾想當一位君王, 但他卻是那麼的吸引人心, 從幾千年的過去到如今. 

馬鈴薯泥給予我像宰相諸葛亮一樣的聯想.  人們也許愛的是牛排, 烤雞就好像我們把所有的注意力都放在主菜上, 又好比想成一位君王般.  但馬鈴薯帶來的舒適感, 而且可以完美的配上任何一道菜, 就像諸葛亮成就別人一樣.  誰能阻擋這份美好呢, 可不是嗎? 

黃金馬鈴薯有著那綿密的口感和堅果的香氣是我很喜歡的.  特別是那漂亮的淡淡金黃色也很吸引人.  在烹調的過程中加入少許的秘密武器, 你很難察覺他的存在.  但是, 你絕對會注意到露西蘇的馬鈴薯泥和其它的不同. 




準備時間 : 5分鐘.
烹煮時間:20 分鐘.
提供: 4-5人份食用.


1.  5 個中型的玉康黃金馬鈴薯, 去皮切塊約二吋. 

2.  約1/4 杯的半牛奶半鮮奶油或是2%的脫脂牛奶, 全脂牛奶, 豆奶, 杏仁牛奶都行.  

3.  切末的細韮菜如果你喜愛的話.  


1. 2 顆蒜頭去皮, 拍碎. 

2. 2 片肉桂葉. 

3. 2 大匙奶油. 

4. 2 大匙淡色橄欖油. 

5.  塩和白楜椒. 


把馬鈴薯, 蒜頭, 肉桂葉放在鍋子裡, 加入剛好蓋過馬鈴薯的水.  煮沸後改小火再煮約7-8分鐘, 直到可以用筷子簡單插入為止.  除去肉桂葉, 瀝乾水分, 保持馬鈴薯在同一個鍋內.  

加入奶油, 橄欖油, 和牛奶, 調入塩巴和白楜椒.  用小火加熱牛奶和馬鈴薯及一切混合物.  接著將鍋子轉移到安全的枱面上.  用擠壓器把馬鈴薯壓成綿密的泥狀, 或是留一些大顆粒, 如果你喜歡那樣子的話.  





*假使你用的是半牛奶和半鮮奶油或是鮮奶油的話, 因為它們的油脂含量較高.  所以, 你可以降低加入奶油或橄欖油的份量. 

*我還因為健康的考量, 喜歡降低奶油的份量, 取而代之部分用淡色橄欖油.  這樣一來還是可以保持原來滑順的口感和風味.


慢慢地加入液體入馬鈴薯裡, 給予些許時間讓馬鈴薯泥吸收所有的液體, 然後繼續擠壓至你喜愛的泥狀.  我各人偏愛柔順, 細緻且蓬鬆的口感.  請避免一次放入太多的液體而導致成爛泥狀.  灑上少許的美式韮菜, 或不愛也行, 暖暖的上桌.  

這麼好吃的馬鈴薯, 絕對可以引起你的注意力.  漂亮的淡金黃色, 堅果香, 還有那隱藏的蒜頭和肉桂葉的香氣, 完美的呈現這道菜色.  誰說你一定要是位君主, 或是選擇一道主菜才能夠帶給群眾驚喜.  你也可以像在想諸葛亮一樣的出眾, 就像這份馬鈴薯配菜一樣在人們的心中佔了一席之地.  你只要知道的是, 你自己是什麼樣子的人? 你的位置又是什麼?  然後在你自己的戰場上, 好好的表達, 展現你自己! ~  





I never really had chances to study in many history or geography since my major was all about the Home Economics or Fine Art while I was in school.  Therefore, I decided to catch up some history by watch some nice TV shows or movies, and do more research then get to know it better.  I am recently watching famous Chinese history play The " Three Kingdoms. "  This story was happened in the end of Han Dynasty.  The emperor's family were getting weak, losing the political power, then all the dukes were fighting each other's to get their own pieces of lands to build up their own kingdoms.  


Each of duke has its own great perspective.  Of course, they all have one amazing prime minister around.  The most famous one was Zhuge Liang who assisted Liu Bei to conquer the his territory.  Zhuge Liang wasn't just smart, he had a great knowledge.  The most amazing part was, he understood all kinds of people's minds, and he was well broad minded.  He knew his status and always completed his task each time.  He might not a duke nor king, but he was surely attractive to the people from thousands year before till today.   

Mashed potatoes gave me the same connection with Zhuge Liang the prime minister.  People might adore steaks, love grilled chicken as we pay all attention on those main dishes as we fantasize the Kings.  But, mashed potatoes would bring so much comfort to us and accomplished every dishes like Zhuge Liang worked well with others.  Who can resist this awesomeness, right?  

Yukon gold potato has that creamy and nutty flavor that I adore. Especially that beautiful lightly golden color is very attractive, too. Fews secret ingredients to add in while is cooking.  You might not find out them exist, but you would notice the yummy differencies than other mash potatoes. 


Preparation time: 5 minutes.
Cooking time: 15 -20 minutes.
Serve: 4- 5 people.



1. 5 medium Yukon gold potato skinned and cut it to 2 inch cubs.

2. About 1/4 cup half & half  or 2% milk, whole milk, soy milk, almond milk are all ok too. 

3. I tablespoon chives chopped fine if you would prefer.  

Flavors :

1. 2 cloves garlic skinned and crushed.

2. 2 bay leaves.

3. 2 tablespoons butter.

4. 2 tablespoon olive oil.

5. Salt and white pepper.


Place potato, garlic, bay leaves in the pot add water just enough cover the potato. Bring to broil, turn heat low simmer about 7-8 minutes till fork tender.  Discard the bay leaves, drain the water, keep the potato in the same pot. 

Add the butter, olives oil, and milk, season with salt and white pepper.  Use low heat to warm up the milk with potato mixture.  Then, kill the heat, move to the safe counter top. Use masher to smooth or leave some chunks as the texture if you would like that. 

*More fat content would decide the mash potatoes to have that creamy texture.  

*If you use half and half or cream which content more fat, you can lower down the butter or olive oil.

*I like to lower down the butter amount by adding some light olive oils for health concerns, but this way will be still remains the same creamy texture. 

*Enough liquid would make potato soft and fluffy.  

Gradually adding the liquid in the potatoes, give it a little time to let all the mashed potatoes to absorb all the liquid and keep mashing to your favorite consistency.  I like my potatoes smooth, light and fluffy.  Do avoid to make it slush by adding too much liquid all at once.  Sprinkle some diced chives on top or not, and serve warm.  

This yummy mashed potatoes goodness definitely will catch you attention.  Beautiful lighty golden yellow color, nutty and that hint of garlic and bay leaves flavors are perfectly address this dish.  Who says you has to be a king or to have a main dish to wow the crowd.  You could be that  awesome as the prime minister like Zhuge Liang or to have this comfy side dish as mashed potatoes which will all take a nice spot in people's hearts.  All you need to know is who you are ? what is your position?  Then, you can express yourself well and shine on your own battlefield !~ 

Bon appétit !!!!! 



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