
有許多的時候我很想念陪我一起長大的臺灣菜肴.  當我想台灣時, 我會憑著記憶中食物的樣子, 味道和口感去做出那道菜.  但其實也不太需要, 因為這些味道早已深深的植入腦海裡.  大部分我喜愛的食物, 在當我想起, 它的味道便開始在我的嘴裏呈現開來, 食物和記憶是那麼旖旎的和我們的腦袋緊緊相扣著.  

在臺灣時, 我曾吃過數不清的麻油雞湯.  大部分的時間裡, 臺灣人喜歡加入麵線就可以飽餐一頓了.  但我卻從未想過麻油雞 "飯", 直到我看見臉書上的許多發表.  我想, 我是真的離開家鄉有好長的一段日子了.  很難不承認, 在這近20年的美國生涯裡, 我的確是錯過了些什麼.  

就這樣, 我試著讓自己更靠近一步的接近我的出生之地.  這道菜用的是西式的做法, 但味道卻是全然的台灣味.  來吧 ..... 

1. 2 大匙的醬油. 
2. 1 大匙薑泥. 
3. 1 大匙的米(清)酒. 


1. 8塊雞腿肉帶皮去骨. 
2. 1/2杯的薑逆紋切薄片易食或是切細末. 
3. 1 塊日本蕃薯切大塊狀.
4.  1/2 冷凍青豆仁. 
5. 2 大匙的黑麻油. 
6. 1 杯米(清)酒. 
7. 1 小匙的糖. 
8. 2 杯的清水或雞高湯. 
9. 塩和白楜椒適自己口味而定. 
10. 1 大匙的醬油添色煮飯用. 
11. 3杯米. 

用醬油薑泥和清酒來醃雞腿肉至少30分鐘.  醬油取而代之塩巴為雞肉帶來漂亮的棕色. 

放一個大型的煎鍋在瓦斯爐上, 確定它是有鍋蓋的.  輕輕的加入蔬菜油足以潤鍋即可.  採用大火將鍋子燒到大熱.  放入雞腿肉, 雞皮朝下, 晾著它別動.  當你看到雞肉的邊緣轉換成白色, 底部的那一面應該也成金黃色了.  雞肉則好了也很容易翻面. 

雞肉翻面之後, 加入薑片和鍋底的油接觸.  改中火, 並且加入2-3大匙的黑麻油, 把薑的香氣炒出來, 然後取出丟棄.  熄火, 將雞肉取出先放置一旁. 



*雞腿肉會有許多的油脂跑出來和蔬菜油及黑麻油結合.   我會倒出這一些綜合油出來, 加一點鹽巴就成了待會的雞肉沾醬了.  

倒入米, 水或雞高湯, 清酒, 用塩巴和白楜椒調味.  攪拌均勻並且鋪平所有的材料, 在飯上放入雞腿肉和蕃薯.  



用大火將所有的材料煮滾, 接著蓋緊鍋蓋, 改小火悶煮約25-30分鐘, 然後熄火再悶5分鐘.  煮飯的時間會因為鍋中材料的厚度和多寡而有點時間上的小差異.

當飯煮熟了, 灑上些冷凍的青豆仁.  再次蓋鍋蓋約煮個2-3分鐘.  這道菜就能上桌了.



這些青豆仁另這道菜亮麗了起來, 特愛那日本甜蕃薯和薑的味道, 濃郁的黑芝麻香撲鼻而來而且肉感十足.  我小兒問我說" 這是美式烹調, 對吧?" 然後我家大兒子嘗了第一口, 他說, " 媽, 這讓我想起了台灣." 是的!!! 他倆都對了, 這是我開發的一道菜有著美式的外觀和臺式的靈魂.  慢慢享用吧!!! ~




There are lots of time, I do miss the food that I grew up with from Taiwan.  I can try to make them follow my memories when I got homesick.  But, the truth is that I don't really need to, because those flavors are always deep in my mind.  Most my favorite food when I think about it, the taste will start coming out in my mouth.  Memories from food are so amazing to bundle with my minds.  

I had countless sesame chicken soup in most my life when I was in Taiwan.  Most of time, Taiwanese would love to add in the thin thread noodles in the soup to make it as a complete meal.  But, I would never have this idea about sesame oil children with rice when I saw some post from FB.  I guess, maybe I just has been left my country for too long now.  It's hard to admit that I did miss somethings during these 20 years of my American life.  

Well, I am trying to bring myself one step more closer to my home land.  This recipe might use the western technic to cook it, but the flavors are totally Taiwanese.  Here we go ..... 

Marinate ingredients: 

1. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. 
2. 1 tablespoons of ground ginger
3. 1 tablespoons sake.  


1. 8 pieces of chicken thighs with skin, deboned.
2. 1/2 cup of thin slices ginger chopped. 
3. 1 large size of Japanese sweet potato diced in big chunks. 
4. 1/2 cup of frozen peas. 
5. 2 tablespoons of dark sesame oil.  
6. 1 rice cup of sake.
7. 1 teaspoon of sugar. 
8. 2 cups water or chicken broth.
9. Salt and white pepper for your own tasting.  
10. 1 tablespoon of soy sauce to  make rice looks more colorful.
11. 3 cups of rice. 

Marinated chicken thighs with soy sauce, ground ginger and sake at least 30 minutes.  Soy sauce will give chicken the beautiful brown colors instead of salt.  

Place a large skillet on the stove, make sure it has lid on it.  Lightly add in the vegetables oil in the pan, just enough to rinse the pan.  Use high heat bring the pan to very hot point.  Lay in the chicken with skin side down, leave it free.  When you see the edge is turning white, the bottom of chicken should be nice golden brown.  It will be easy and ready to flip.  



After you turn all the chicken to other side.  Add in the ginger to contact with the oil in the same pot.  Switch heat to medium, also add in 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil too, cook ginger till fragrance, then take gingers out and discard.  Kill the heat, Take the chicken thighs out on the side.  

*Chicken Thighs will cook out lots of fat and mix with vegetables and sesame oil.  I would take some of these mix oil out, then add in few salt to use as a dipping sauce for chicken later.  

Dump in the rice, water or chicken broth, sake, season with salt and white pepper.  Flat all the ingredients in the pan, place the chicken thighs then chunks of sweet potato all over the rice on top of rice.  



Use high heat to bring all the ingredients to boil again, then cove with lid tight, change to lower heat simmer about 25-30 minutes.  Kill the heat but reminds the cover for 5 more minutes.  Rice will be cooked slightly differently in time.  It all depends on how much thickness of ingredients in the pan.

When rice is cooked, sprinkle some frozen peas on top.  Cover with lid again and cook about 2-3 minutes.  This dishes will be ready to served.  




These peas brighten the whole dish, love the Japanese sweet potato with ginger, rich nutty black sesame oil and chicken thighs are very meaty and pungent.  My young boy asked me, " This is totally American dish, right? " Then, when my big boy tasted first.  He said, " Mom, this reminds me of Taiwan."  Yes !!! They were all right, this is a dish that I created with American looks but with the Taiwanese spirit.  Bon appetite !!! ~




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