

我可以在30-40分鐘的車程到逺幾家韓國超市和找到一些韓國餐廳, 但我居住的範圍要卻找不到道地的中國菜, 臺灣菜就更少了.  這事總是令我很失望.  我雖然愛做飯, 但也有我只想坐下來, 好好和所愛的人享受他人的提供食物的服務, 更何況我還可以從不同的好餐廳裏學到新的菜色.  那可是很開心的一件事情, 怎能不愛呢?況且啊當要付錢和小費之餘, 老公和孩子們就更能體會我的做飯的辛勞.   有些時候我也會遇到很冏的情況, 那就是當美國朋友要我介紹他們去中國餐廳時.  我總是不知道該如何介紹哪家餐才好, 所以會開玩笑的說, " 來我家吧! " 

隔壁小鎮上住著很多的韓國移民.  我有點佩服他們總是在餐飲業上保持自己食物的傳統和不錯的品質.  韓國食物的顏色很鮮明, 味道也很有勁道就像韓國人的民族性一樣是很直接的.  我從未閲讀過許多韓國的料理, 也沒問過我的韓國女性友人如何做他們的菜肴, 但我卻能做了一些不錯的韓國菜.  那只是在這美國的20年裡我吃的韓國餐館可比中國餐館多多了, 所以伴隨著這些食物的成長, 我自然熟悉那味道, 而且自己足夠悟出這些菜色的作法. 

我在做韓國料理時總是幻想自己是一位韓國媽媽, 她會用什麼材料來烹調及餵她的家人們.  同樣的方法, 當我在做義大利菜時, 我就會假裝自己是一位義大利女人, 通過採買食材和烹調的過程.  然後, 我很快的查覺, 每個不同的國家的媽媽都有著相同的基礎食材, 類似的烹調手法, 然而唯一較不同的則是醬料和香料上的使用.  不同的環境才是真正的原因造就了不同的文化背景.  其實人類的腦袋沒有那麼難以猜測和理解的.  

當我的腦袋設定好位置之後, 我就可以用不同的靈魂做不同國家的料理.  特別是現在科技那麼發達, 簡單的估狗一下或是上YouTube.  我便可以看得到全世界我有所興趣的事情了.   當我可以充分拿捏這些傳統的食物作法之後, 我便可以開發我自己風格的菜色, 那才更是令人振奮的想完成它呢. 

醃黃瓜是炙熱夏天的最佳菜色.  每個國家都有著不太一樣的醃漬黃瓜作法.  我家大兒子喜愛美式酸黃瓜配上他的漢堡.  老公則徧愛臺式蒜頭, 黑醋和芝麻油涼拌黃瓜.  我呢?特別偏好這帶點辣又甜的韓式辣醬和清新的白醋. 

準備時間 : 5 分鐘. 
醃製時間 : 第一次浸泡於塩約1小時, 然後再加1小時入味. 

材料 : 
1. 2條美國大黃瓜或是4-5條小黃瓜, 切約1公分的厚度. 



2. 一顆中型的紫洋蔥切絲. 
3. 1/4杯的韓國辣醬.  *這韓國辣醬的製作成份早以有了蒜, 䓤, 和些許糖, 所以很適合拿來做快速的拌菜.  你也可以使用韓國辣椒粉配上蒜, 䓤, 和糖也會有相同的效果.  





4. 1/4 杯的白醋. 



5. 炒香過的白芝麻. 
6. 梅子酒或是柳橙白蘭地.  如果你沒有的話用檸檬或柳丁碎皮屑加任何白酒也行.  魚露也可 ! 只要隨你意拿定主意就好了. 

大方的灑上鹽在黃瓜和紫洋蔥絲上, 拌勻, 蓋上保鮮膜, 留在室溫下約一小時.  *這過程裡鹽巴會熟成黃瓜, 而且炎熱的夏天會比寒冷的冬天熟成的速度快些, 所以你必須做一些適當的調整.  你也將會看到在這之後, 黃瓜本身出了許多水份.  確認黃瓜是否外層變得有些柔軟可以彎折, 但內部依舊維持硬脆.  試吃黃瓜在這階段的含塩量應該也是剛好的.  





濾掉黃瓜本身出來的水份, 少了這些含鹽份的水就能避免過度的熟成. 



加入韓國辣椒醬和白醋, 任何的果子酒或是檸檬柳橙碎皮屑對上白酒, 又或是魚露只是你喜歡的話.  這個階段你則需將黃瓜放入冷藏, 減慢它繼續熟成的速度, 但卻有足夠的時間讓味道滲入黃瓜.  * 醃漬的過程中黃瓜的水份會持續釋出.  記得稍為攪拌一下, 讓這些有味道的汁液浸泡到黄瓜.  



*我加入酒的是因為它有消毒的作用.  在炎炎的夏日裏它將可以放的更久保持新鮮.  我還會將保鮮盒用熱水燙過自然乾再拿來貯存日後幾天要食用的. 

在夏日裡, 這是很棒的一道開胃菜, 配上一碗白飯, 麵條, 牛排, 雞肉, 做成三明治 ..... 只要是你想得到的, 它將能簡單的滿足你的口慾.  這些黃瓜來自韓國辣醬的甜又辣, 不經意的咬上白芝麻粒時的那堅果香, 還有那清爽的黃瓜透心涼.  夏季裡 ..... 我依舊可以享受這涼爽的菜肴, 卻少了一次動火爐的機會, 實在是太棒了!!!



I can reach few Korean supermarkets and find many of Korean restaurants around 30 - 40 minutes of driving distant, but I won’t see any authentic neither Chinese nor Taiwanese food around my areas.  This issue is always upset me.  I love to cook, but there's a time, I just want to sit down and enjoy the serving of food with my love one too, plus I could learn some new dishes from other nice restaurant.  That's a great thing to do, why not ?  Beside, my kids and my husband would be appreciated more about my cooking efforts, since they get to wait for the food delivering and pay for the tips too !!!  It also has some awkward situations when my American friends ask me, where to dine for the great Chinese or Taiwanese food.  I have no place to recommend to them.  I often joke around, " come to my house " ! 

The town next me has lots of Korean immigrates,  I kind of admire they always keep their food traditional with great quality on their restaurant business.  Korean food are very vivid in color, flavors are very pung also.  Just like Korean personality are not shy at all.  I never really read a Korean cook books or ask my Korean girlfriends how to cook their food right, but I do make some very decent nice Korean dishes.  It is just I really have more Korean food than Chinese food in my past 20 years of my life in US.  I kind of grow old with that, remember the flavors so well and enough to figure it all out by myself.  

I always picture my myself if I am a Korean mom what I will do to use the ingredients that I have to feed my family when I am making Korean food.  Same idea, if I am making Italian, I would pretend I am a Italian woman and go through the food shopping and all that cooking process.  Then, I soon find out.  Each country's mom all have basic same ingredients, similar cooking techniques, but different sauce or spices in every regions.   The difference between environments are the reason makes all different cultures background.  But, human's mind are not that hard to guess or understand it at all !!! 

When I set my mind there right, I could have any soul to make any dishes form any countries.  Especially, the technology is so convenient now, simple use google or YouTube.  I could see the whole world whatever I am interesting in it .  After I could nail all the traditional dishes right, I would be able to create the new dishes of my own, and that's even more excited for me to accomplish!!! 

Pickled cucumbers is perfect dish  for hot summer time.  Each country has all different picked method.  My big boy lots America sour picked with his burger, my husband loves Taiwanese quick pickling with garlic, black vinegar, and sesame oil.  I personally love these spicy and sweet with Korean chili flavors with refreshing white vinegar.  

Preparations times: 5 minutes 
Marinated time : First 1 hour for pickle cucumbers in the salt, then other 1 hour for the flavoring. 
Serving : 4-5peoples. 

1. 2 large American cucumber or 4-5 mini cucumbers sliced at least 1 cm thickness.  



2. 1 medium red onion thin sliced.
3. 1/4 cup of Korean red chili sauce. *This Korean sauce already make by ingredients such as garlic and scallion in it, slightly sweet too.  It's great for quick mixed.  You can use Korean chili powder too, just add the fresh minded garlic and scallions and sugar to enhance the flavors.   It would be the same. 
4. 1/4 cup of white vinegar.
5. Toasted white sesame seeds.  
6. Plum wine or orange cognac.  If you don't have it you can use lemon or orange zest mix with any 1 teaspoon of white wine. Or, you can even add the fish sauce for flavoring too.  Just follow your mood and make up your mind.  
Generally sprinkles salt on top of cucumbers and thin slices of red onions, then mix them well, cover with plastic wrap, leave it in the room temperature about 1 hour.  * ThIs stage salt will cook the cucumbers faster during the hot summer time than cold winter, so you can do a little adjustment by that.  You will see lots of water is coming out from cucumbers itself afterward.  Check the cucumbers if it becomes kind of soft outer layer and you would be able to bend it a little, but still remains hard and crunch inside.  Taste the cucumbers should be at the good among of salty level  at this stages too.  

Drain the extra coming out salty water from cucumbers by itself, without these salty water will prevent the over cooking.  

Add the Korean red chili sauce with white vinegar, any fruity wine or lemon and orange zest with white wine, or fish sauce as you like.  Now, you have to keep this stage in the refrigerator to slow down the cooking process for cucumbers, but the flavors will have enough time to get into cucumbers.   * Water will keep coming out from this marinated process, do remember to give it a toss, so these cucumbers will absorb all the flavors from that juice.  

*The reason I add the wine which will be the same function like alcohol disinfection.  It will keep this dish stay longer and fresh in the hot summer time.  I would also rinsed the container with hot water then let it air dry to storage some of these dishes for using in couple days after too.   
Summer time, this is a great side dish to wake up your appetizer, pair with a bowl of rice, noodles, steak, chicken, make a sandwich ...... You name it !!! It just simply satisfy your palate.  These cucumbers are sweet and spicy from that Korean chili paste, nutty when you accidentally bite into that white sesame seeds, and crunch juicy cucumbers are really cool you down.  Hello summer ...... I can enjoy this refreshing dish without turn on the stove.  That's pretty awesome !!! 


露西蘇 Lucy Su 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


有許多的時候我很想念陪我一起長大的臺灣菜肴.  當我想台灣時, 我會憑著記憶中食物的樣子, 味道和口感去做出那道菜.  但其實也不太需要, 因為這些味道早已深深的植入腦海裡.  大部分我喜愛的食物, 在當我想起, 它的味道便開始在我的嘴裏呈現開來, 食物和記憶是那麼旖旎的和我們的腦袋緊緊相扣著.  

在臺灣時, 我曾吃過數不清的麻油雞湯.  大部分的時間裡, 臺灣人喜歡加入麵線就可以飽餐一頓了.  但我卻從未想過麻油雞 "飯", 直到我看見臉書上的許多發表.  我想, 我是真的離開家鄉有好長的一段日子了.  很難不承認, 在這近20年的美國生涯裡, 我的確是錯過了些什麼.  

就這樣, 我試著讓自己更靠近一步的接近我的出生之地.  這道菜用的是西式的做法, 但味道卻是全然的台灣味.  來吧 ..... 

1. 2 大匙的醬油. 
2. 1 大匙薑泥. 
3. 1 大匙的米(清)酒. 


1. 8塊雞腿肉帶皮去骨. 
2. 1/2杯的薑逆紋切薄片易食或是切細末. 
3. 1 塊日本蕃薯切大塊狀.
4.  1/2 冷凍青豆仁. 
5. 2 大匙的黑麻油. 
6. 1 杯米(清)酒. 
7. 1 小匙的糖. 
8. 2 杯的清水或雞高湯. 
9. 塩和白楜椒適自己口味而定. 
10. 1 大匙的醬油添色煮飯用. 
11. 3杯米. 

用醬油薑泥和清酒來醃雞腿肉至少30分鐘.  醬油取而代之塩巴為雞肉帶來漂亮的棕色. 

放一個大型的煎鍋在瓦斯爐上, 確定它是有鍋蓋的.  輕輕的加入蔬菜油足以潤鍋即可.  採用大火將鍋子燒到大熱.  放入雞腿肉, 雞皮朝下, 晾著它別動.  當你看到雞肉的邊緣轉換成白色, 底部的那一面應該也成金黃色了.  雞肉則好了也很容易翻面. 

雞肉翻面之後, 加入薑片和鍋底的油接觸.  改中火, 並且加入2-3大匙的黑麻油, 把薑的香氣炒出來, 然後取出丟棄.  熄火, 將雞肉取出先放置一旁. 



*雞腿肉會有許多的油脂跑出來和蔬菜油及黑麻油結合.   我會倒出這一些綜合油出來, 加一點鹽巴就成了待會的雞肉沾醬了.  

倒入米, 水或雞高湯, 清酒, 用塩巴和白楜椒調味.  攪拌均勻並且鋪平所有的材料, 在飯上放入雞腿肉和蕃薯.  



用大火將所有的材料煮滾, 接著蓋緊鍋蓋, 改小火悶煮約25-30分鐘, 然後熄火再悶5分鐘.  煮飯的時間會因為鍋中材料的厚度和多寡而有點時間上的小差異.

當飯煮熟了, 灑上些冷凍的青豆仁.  再次蓋鍋蓋約煮個2-3分鐘.  這道菜就能上桌了.



這些青豆仁另這道菜亮麗了起來, 特愛那日本甜蕃薯和薑的味道, 濃郁的黑芝麻香撲鼻而來而且肉感十足.  我小兒問我說" 這是美式烹調, 對吧?" 然後我家大兒子嘗了第一口, 他說, " 媽, 這讓我想起了台灣." 是的!!! 他倆都對了, 這是我開發的一道菜有著美式的外觀和臺式的靈魂.  慢慢享用吧!!! ~




There are lots of time, I do miss the food that I grew up with from Taiwan.  I can try to make them follow my memories when I got homesick.  But, the truth is that I don't really need to, because those flavors are always deep in my mind.  Most my favorite food when I think about it, the taste will start coming out in my mouth.  Memories from food are so amazing to bundle with my minds.  

I had countless sesame chicken soup in most my life when I was in Taiwan.  Most of time, Taiwanese would love to add in the thin thread noodles in the soup to make it as a complete meal.  But, I would never have this idea about sesame oil children with rice when I saw some post from FB.  I guess, maybe I just has been left my country for too long now.  It's hard to admit that I did miss somethings during these 20 years of my American life.  

Well, I am trying to bring myself one step more closer to my home land.  This recipe might use the western technic to cook it, but the flavors are totally Taiwanese.  Here we go ..... 

Marinate ingredients: 

1. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. 
2. 1 tablespoons of ground ginger
3. 1 tablespoons sake.  


1. 8 pieces of chicken thighs with skin, deboned.
2. 1/2 cup of thin slices ginger chopped. 
3. 1 large size of Japanese sweet potato diced in big chunks. 
4. 1/2 cup of frozen peas. 
5. 2 tablespoons of dark sesame oil.  
6. 1 rice cup of sake.
7. 1 teaspoon of sugar. 
8. 2 cups water or chicken broth.
9. Salt and white pepper for your own tasting.  
10. 1 tablespoon of soy sauce to  make rice looks more colorful.
11. 3 cups of rice. 

Marinated chicken thighs with soy sauce, ground ginger and sake at least 30 minutes.  Soy sauce will give chicken the beautiful brown colors instead of salt.  

Place a large skillet on the stove, make sure it has lid on it.  Lightly add in the vegetables oil in the pan, just enough to rinse the pan.  Use high heat bring the pan to very hot point.  Lay in the chicken with skin side down, leave it free.  When you see the edge is turning white, the bottom of chicken should be nice golden brown.  It will be easy and ready to flip.  



After you turn all the chicken to other side.  Add in the ginger to contact with the oil in the same pot.  Switch heat to medium, also add in 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil too, cook ginger till fragrance, then take gingers out and discard.  Kill the heat, Take the chicken thighs out on the side.  

*Chicken Thighs will cook out lots of fat and mix with vegetables and sesame oil.  I would take some of these mix oil out, then add in few salt to use as a dipping sauce for chicken later.  

Dump in the rice, water or chicken broth, sake, season with salt and white pepper.  Flat all the ingredients in the pan, place the chicken thighs then chunks of sweet potato all over the rice on top of rice.  



Use high heat to bring all the ingredients to boil again, then cove with lid tight, change to lower heat simmer about 25-30 minutes.  Kill the heat but reminds the cover for 5 more minutes.  Rice will be cooked slightly differently in time.  It all depends on how much thickness of ingredients in the pan.

When rice is cooked, sprinkle some frozen peas on top.  Cover with lid again and cook about 2-3 minutes.  This dishes will be ready to served.  




These peas brighten the whole dish, love the Japanese sweet potato with ginger, rich nutty black sesame oil and chicken thighs are very meaty and pungent.  My young boy asked me, " This is totally American dish, right? " Then, when my big boy tasted first.  He said, " Mom, this reminds me of Taiwan."  Yes !!! They were all right, this is a dish that I created with American looks but with the Taiwanese spirit.  Bon appetite !!! ~




露西蘇 Lucy Su 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




凱爾先生是一位壯碩的漢子, 他有這一頭深綠色的捲髮.  他通常也不是很有趣, 但如果你認識了真正的他.  他絕對是一位很有深度的人, 足以豐潤你的人生.  

當你最初遇到這位硬漢子時, 最好不要惹火它.  除非你比他更強悍.  我會建議你帶著一些甜美的笑容和芬芳的氣息去拜訪凱爾先生.  然後你便很快的你認識了他真實的一面.  接著再敬他一杯酒吧! 酒這玩意總是能軟化人的思想, 讓人與人彼此之間的距離更靠近.  之後再介紹給他一些和他個性一樣鮮明的朋友, 讓他們都能替彼此產生光芒.  有趣的事就會從週遭開始 ..... 

什麼???? 當我在唸這篇凱爾先生的文章給我小兒聽時, 我想他應該會以為他媽咪快瘋了.  沒想到他居然了解我在説什麼 ..... 所以我就假設你們應該也都知道凱爾先生是一種很營養的深綠色蔬菜.  

烹煮時間: 5分鐘.

1. 一把羽衣甘藍菜, 去莖梗, 撕成入口尺寸片狀.  冷水洗凈後瀝乾. 
2. 1 茶匙的香蒜粉或是2-3顆的蒜頭隨意切塊. 
3. 1/4 杯的清酒或白酒.
4. 塩和黑胡椒.
5. 1/2杯的紫橄欖和自身的浸泡油或汁液. 


放入羽衣甘藍菜拌勻, 隨後入酒或水, 蓋上鍋蓋. 

調整火候至高溫, 約1-2分鐘直到羽衣甘藍菜"開始"變軟, 馬上熄火. 

加入紫橄欖和它自身的浸泡汁液或油, 輕輕的拌勻! ~ 鏘鏘!!! 



洋蔥和蒜頭帶甜且香氣足, 白酒充份的軟化了羽衣甘藍菜還多了一份香醇.  那紫色的橄欖讓羽衣甘藍菜顯得格外出色.  恰到好處的酸氣平衡了洋蔥的甜, 也讓羽衣甘藍菜的表現更清新.  我還很喜歡紫色橄欖的口感剛好介於洋蔥和羽衣甘藍菜之間.   所有的甜鹹濃郁的味道在嘴𥚃徘徊.  我的腦海裏充份的被取悅 !!! 󾌫󾌫󾌫

現在我須要做的是, 說服我的孩子們嚐嚐這些紫橄欖 ..... 一步一歩慢慢來, 對吧 ?! ~ 󾌱


Mr. Kale is a tough big guy with the dark green curly hair.  He often is not too playful, but he is surely a decent man with lots of goodness to enrich your life, if you get to know him well. 

When you first meet this tough guy, you will never want to mess up with him, unless you are tougher than him.  I will suggest you to bring some sweet smile and aromatic senses to visit Mr. Kale first, then you will quickly get ready to see the real side of him.   Then, toast him with some wine.  As you know, wine always soften people's minds, and bring each other closer.  Keep bringing him someone friends with the same great vivid personality just like him, and let them to complement their each other.  Fun will be starting and all over around.  

What ????  As I was reading this Mr. Kale to my little boy.  I thought He would think that I was going nuts, but he did understand what was I talking about ..... So I will assume that you know, Mr. Kale is a very nutrition dark green vegetable.  

Cooking time: 5 minutes.
Server 4-5 people.

1. 1 bundles of kale, take the hard stems off and break it into  the bite sizes.  Rinse in the cold water then drained.  
2.  1 onion thin sliced. 
3.  1 teaspoon of garlic powder or 2-3 fresh garlic rough chopped. 
4. 1/4 cup of white wine will be awesome, but water is fine. 
5. Salt and black pepper.
6. 1/2 cup of purple olives, and it's own juice or oil.  

Sauté onion and garlic till transparent and fragrant with medium heat.  

Add in the kale and toasted well, follow in the wine or water right away, cover with lid.  

Adjust heat to high and cook about  1-2 minutes, when the hard color green "start getting" tender, then kill the heat right away.  

Add in the purple olivers, and its own oil or juices, stir gently! Wa la!~ 

Onion and garlic are sweet and aromatic, wine perfectly soften the  kale with flavor.  That purple olives just make kale so stand out.  Great acidly to balance the sweet onion, and brights up the hardy kale too.  Love the olives texture between onion and kale.  All that sweet, savor, hardy favors are circling in my mouth.  My mind feels pleased !!! 󾌫󾌫󾌫

Now, I just need to convince my kids to eat purple olives ..... One step at the time, right ?! ~ 󾌱

露西蘇 Lucy Su 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



有沒有人像我一樣是那麼的喜歡櫛瓜而且無法制止的享用? 那麼你應該就會了解那柔軟又帶脆度的口感, 和在味蕾上的天然香甜多汁. 

我常告訴我的美國的朋友們, 亞洲的家庭通常在每一餐幾乎都會有炒青菜這道菜.  幾匙的油, 快炒少許的蒜或䓤和一大把的青菜.  還有什麼比這個更能維持我們飲食習慣的營養均衡的呢!然而在美國待久了之後, 因為新澤西這裡氣候寒冷的關係, 卻食用較多的根莖類蔬菜.  我還查覺炙烤的蔬菜味道特別明顯強烈, 而且超簡單的.  這也就是為什麼我把這些蔬菜湊成拼盤了.


1. 1 條櫛瓜斜切1公分左右的厚度. 
2. 我用了1條美國的大茄子, 但皮太厚實不易呑嚥.  下次我會用亞洲的細長茄子代替.  一樣斜切1公分左右的厚度. 
3. 1 把綠蘆筍折去尾端粗糙的部分. 
4. 1 盒蘑菇, 大的切4等分小的切半. 
5. 2-3顆的紅彩椒或是其它你喜歡的顏色彩椒. 
6. 香蒜粉. 
7. 海塩和新鮮黑楜椒. 

1. 3 大匙好品質的義大利香醋. 
2. 1 小匙的覆盆子或是草莓果醬. 
3. 1 小匙的義大利瑪莎拉甜酒. 
4. 新鮮的黑楜椒. 

簡單地將所有的沾醬材料混合在一起.  隨著自己對酸甜辣的喜好做調整.  

烤櫛瓜, 茄子, 綠蘆筍和磨菇: 

將這些蔬菜裝在塑膠袋裏, 淋上橄欖油和灑上香蒜粉, 翻拌均勻.  塩巴和黑楜椒在蔬菜要烤之前才灑上, 如此一來塩才不會帶走水份的流失.  

在烤盤上用刷子淡淡的抹上一層油用大火加熱.  在炙烤的過程當中保持鍋裏的潤滑, 鍋中才不會燒焦. 

放上蔬菜在烤盤上, 等一面烤上色後再翻面.  每面約2分鐘左右, 開始出現柔軟少許的汁液便可.  * 避免多餘的翻動, 蔬菜才能多汁有著漂亮的烤紋. 



將整顆甜紅椒抹上蔬菜油, 放在直接的火焰上烤至燒黑.  蓋上抹布或是膠膜冷卻後, 溼氣能幫助去皮.   你可以像大部分的人用廚房餐巾紙抹去外皮, 但我個人偏好用湯匙刮下.  請手輕一點別留失了紅椒內的甜汁, 別浪費了.  * 切勿冼淨 !!! 

如果你想多做些或是放久一點, 把你要裝的瓶子或容器用滾燙的熱水先燙過.  
壓碎1-2顆的蒜頭混合一些橄欖油.  我會直接用剪刀把炙烤過後的紅椒直接泡在蒜油𥚃.  在炎熱的夏天裏如果你喜歡淸爽直接的味道, 我會把油換成煮遇過的水對上白醋代替橄欖油, 蒜頭依舊.  




這些烤蔬菜不僅僅是任何一道食物的好配菜, 更棒的是如果加上一片有厚度的新鮮馬薩瑞拉起司, 便能做成很棒的三明治.  那瑪莎拉甜酒像香水一樣, 引領你到甜的覆盆子口味, 再進入那義大利香醋 ..... 好吃, 好吃, 好好吃喔! ~




Is there any body who just likes me love the zucchini so much and couldn't stop eating it ? Then, you should understand that soft but crunchy texture, naturally sweet and juicy flavor all over palates.  

I often tell my American friends that as an Asian family, we do eat sauté vegetable on most every meals.  A few tablespoons of oil, sauté with a big bundle of any kind of green with some garlic or scallion.  How healthy is that to keep our diet in balance nutrition.   Then, as longer I stay in US.  I would eat more roots and stem vegetable, because the cold weather here in NJ.  I also found out these grilled vegetables are more intense in flavor and super easy to make too.  Well, that's how I set up this vegetables plater.  

1. 1 zucchini sliced about 1 cm thick in dialogue angle. 
2. I used the large American eggplant, but the skin were very tough to eat, so I will switch to the Asian small long eggplant instead for next time.  Sliced it into 1 cm thickness do angle too. 
3. A bundle of Asparagus snip away the tough end off.  
4. 1 box of fresh mushrooms cut them in half or quarter if they are big.  
5. 2-3 sweet red peppers or any color peppers that you like. 
6.  Garlic powder.
7.  Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper.

Dipping sauce: 
1. 3 tablespoons of good quality Italian balsamic vinegar. 
2. 1 teaspoon of raspberry or strawberry jam.  
3. 1 teaspoon of Italian sweet masala wine.  
4. Fresh ground black pepper.  

Simple mix all these dipping sauce ingredients together, feel free to adjust your own sweet, sour and spicy taste.  

For grill zucchini, eggplant, Asparagus, mushrooms: 

Place the vegetables in the plastic bag, drizzle with Oliver oil and garlic powder, toast all over around.  Season salt and fresh ground black pepper right before grill, otherwise salt will take away the liquid out of vegetables then lost the juiciness.  

Lightly brush vegetables oil on top of grill then use high heat to up the grill pan.  * keep the grill pan rinsed with oil all the way to the grilling process, so the pan won't get burn.  

Place vegetables on the grill pan, when one side is done with grilling mark, then turn to other side.  When vegetables are tender and juice it will take about 2 minutes for each sides.  * Avoid filliping around so vegetables will remain juicy and come with beautiful grill marks. 

For roast peppers: 

Apply oil all over the red pepper which will give the roast peppers some smoky flavor that I adore. 

Place red peppers on the direct flamy heat.  Grill it to black char color, cover it with towel or plastic wrap to let it cool down, and the steam will be help to wipe it away.  You can clean the char skin with paper towels like every body does.  But, I personally like to use spoon to take the skin off.  Please to be gentle to keep pepper its own sweet juice inside and don't wasted it.  * No rinse needed !!! 

Have jars or any containers rinsed over with hot boiling water if you want to make more and keep it stay longer.  
Crush 1-2 cloves garlic mix with some olive oil.  I would just use scissor to cut the peppers directly in the garlic oil.  For the clean sharp taste during the hot summer time, I would switch the oil to cooked water with white vinegar instead of Olive oil, remains the garlic still. 

These grill vegetables are not just perfect as side dish.  It is also great to make a beautiful sandwich with a thick sliced fresh Mozzarella chess.  That sweet masala wine will be just like the perfume to lead the way to that sweet raspberry follow to that deep balsamic vinegar flavors.   Yum yum yum mm ! ~  

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孩子們的腦袋瓜裡是很難預料的.  我的三個孩子們從出生就有這不同的個性, 尤其展現在挑食上.  當他們很小的時候, 我的小兒寧願餓到胃痛也不願意嘗試新的食物.  女兒肚子餓時只要吃美食, 如果我們餵她吃垃圾食物, 她是會翻臉的.  我家老大從小則有感官的問題, 舉凡嗅覺和口感都相當的敏感, 而且支配著他的飲食習慣, 也緩慢了影響他幼兒時期的學習成長.  我大兒子就這樣過了七年的素食主義者.  直到有一天他食了在韓國超市中試吃了牛肉.  從那天開始, 他就迷上了那昂貴的和牛, 從此以後就找上我麻煩了! 

上個星期六下午, 他要為我做份歐姆蛋當他的早午餐.  我以為我聽錯了, 因為他今年快滿16歲了, 他從來不吃蛋的.  所以我和老公重覆的和他確認.  是的!!! 他説的是歐姆雷沒錯, 而且他還點了自己想要的內餡.  

想要做好歐姆蛋你首先要能掌握火候.  蛋是很快就熟成的, 所以也很容易煮老了.  然而,不用擔心只要記得你有個開關可以控制火候即可, 就這樣而已 !!! 

*一個不沾鍋來做這道菜將非常合適, 油的需要量也能減少許多. 

1. 9吋半的鍋3颗蛋, 6吋半的鍋2顆蛋. 

我個人覺得6吋半的歐姆蛋很適合一人份.  鍋子也很可愛 ! 

1. 1 小顆任何你喜歡的洋蔥切小塊.  
2. 1 小顆的蕃茄. 
3. 少許的嫩葉菠菜, 隨意切或是用手稍微撕碎. 
4. 10-15個磨菇( 小顆的波特貝拉磨菇是我的最愛) 一樣切丁. 
5. 銳利口味的巧得起司, 香鹹的普姆隆起司或者是辣椒傑克都是不錯的選擇. 






*自從蛋會很滑嫩, 所有的蔬菜也都是原味.  所以在選擇起司上有個主導的味道來支配是好的.  

使用中高火和一點的油將洋蔥炒至透明.  和那磨菇的顏色變深.  
在一開始就放入少許塩可以幫助這些食材釋放出水分, 而且還能帶出很濃郁的香氣.  灑上塩巴和現磨的黑楜椒, 放置一旁. 




把不沾鍋加熱至中溫.  你可以放手在鍋子上數到四也不會被燙傷的程度.  那就是對的溫度可以塗抹足夠的奶油剛好蓋上整個鍋子.  再次提升至中溫, 但不能焦化.  不然蛋煮熟後會看起來很髒. 






我們家的人喜歡歐姆蛋外面帶點淡淡的金黃色, 裡面柔軟.  所以用中火來烹調最佳了.  但如果你喜歡非常軟嫩帶著淡淡的黃白色, 那麼用小火來煮.  

倒入蛋液入鍋中並且繞一下, 讓所有的蛋液蓋滿鍋子.  你將會注意到這些蛋從鍋子的邊緣開始凝結起來了.  你可以簡單的把這些先熟成的邊緣帶到中間, 但留些鍋中的蛋液足夠成型蓋滿整個鍋子.  或者你也可以一直不停的攪拌, 然後一樣留些蛋液把它煮成像煎餅一樣.  

*如果你是初學者, 可以在此把火熄了, 放入剩下的材料.  這樣一來就能避免把蛋煮老了.  假使你須要蛋再上色些, 只要再點上火就行了. 





隨後全面放入剝好絲的起司在所有的蛋上, 放入嫰菠菜葉, 洋蔥, 磨菇, 蕃茄在靠近你自己的半邊鍋子裏.  當蛋凝聚的很好, 在四處邊緣推一下, 並且當你晃動鍋子就能移動蛋時.  把它提至餐盤上, 然後輕輕的滑出並同時間蓋上. 哇啦 ..... 你這就做了最棒的歐姆蛋了. 











我很喜歡這些歐姆蛋有像肉一樣風味的尤其是小顆的波特貝拉磨菇, 蕃茄很不錯的酸度, 些許微辣的嫩菠菜葉和那甜又脆的洋蔥.  這看起來很容易做, 但實質上則需要一些練習才能做好它的.  有些時候越是簡單的事情反而難搞, 因為全都在細節上.

我的小兒醫師曾說, 嘗試新的東西需要八次以上的機會. 感謝老天爺我並未放棄做出新的食品給我的孩子們.  這是很好的轉變, 可以展現出我的孩子開始接受新的事物.  我相當的開心!!! 我常常告訴我的孩子們, " 世界無限大, 把握你可以得每一個機會, 去嘗試, 並且享受它 ...... 我說對了嗎?

我最親愛的孩子們, 不要害怕或是太多的擔憂去嘗試新的事物或是遇見新的人, 讓你們的人生開始充滿樂趣!!! 加油! ~


Kid's minds are very unpredictable.  My three kids all have born with different personalities, especially when it comes to picky on food.  When they were younger, my little guys would suffer himself till stomachache and still won't try new food.  My daughter only takes good tummy food.  If we feed her junks when she is starving, she would get very pissed.  My big boy has sensational issue since he was a baby, smells and textures are all very sensitive to dominate his eating habits, and slow down his learning proces in his early childhood.  My big boy was a vegetarianism for the first seven years in his life.  One Day he started to eat the beef from the Korean supermarket tasting car.  Then, he got hooked with that nice fancy Wagyu beef and I am in trouble since.  

Last Saturday, he came to me and asked me to make him the omelette for his brunch, I thought I missed understanding him, because he will be 16 years old soon, but he never really had eggs in his life.  So, my husband and I all double checked with him.  Yes !!! He really mention about " omelette  " and he required his filling too.  

Making a great omelette you have to be able to control the heat right, first.  Eggs cook very quickly so it's very easy to overcooked.  But, no worries, just remember you can control the heat by turning the switch, That's all !!!

*A nonstick pan will do the good job here and cost less oil.  

1. 3 eggs for 91/2 inches pan or 2 eggs for 61/2 inches pan.  Beat eggs well and set aside. 

Fillings for 2 91/2 inch or 3 61/2 inches omelette. 
1. 1 small size any kind of onion that you like, diced. 
2. 1 small tomato diced or roasted  sweet peppers which soaked in the garlic vinegar water, roughly chopped. 
3. Some baby Spinach roughly chopped or just break it with hands.  
4. 10-15 mushrooms ( Baby Portabella mushrooms are my favorite )  diced too.  
5. Sharp cheddar cheese or salty proberlon cheese or spicy pepper Jack are all fine.  

*Since the eggs will be soft and all the vegetables are original in mild flavors, it's good when you choose the cheese which could dominate the taste in this dish.  

Use medium high heat and oil to sauté onion till transparent and mushrooms get some darker color.  By adding fews salt in the beginning will help release the water content and brings out more intensive flavors from these vegetables itself.  Season salt and fresh ground black pepper.  Set aside.  

Heat up the other nonstick pan warm.  You can put your hand on top of pan and at least count to 4, and you won't get burned.  That would be the right temperature to 
apply just enough butter to cover the whole pan.  Bring it to warn again, but not burn, otherwise eggs will look dirty after it is cooked.

My family love our omelette lighty brown outside soft inside, so use medium heat to cook is perfect .  But, if you like it very soft and tender with pale yellow color, cook these eggs with low heat.  

Pour all the eggs mixture in the pan and swift around cover all the pan.  You will notice these eggs started to form from the edges.  You can simply just keep bring in the dry edges to the center, but save some eggs mixture enough to coat all over the pan too. Or, you can just keep stirring the eggs and save some eggs mixed to form pretty like a pancake. 

*Eggs should get more value at this stage.  
*For the beginner, you can turn the heat off at here to place all the rest of ingredients first to avoid overcooked the eggs.  If you need more colors on the omerlate, then turn the heat back. 

Following to place shredded cheese all over the eggs, laid down the spinach, onion, mushrooms, tomatoes diced on half side of pan close to you.  Push all over the edges, and when your eggs form well and it can be move as you shake the pan.  Bring to the serving plate then slightly it out, and fold it at the same time.  Wa la ...... You just make the best omelette ever.  






I adore this omerlate has meaty mushrooms, great acidity from tomatoes, peppery baby spinach and sweet crunchy onions.  This might look easy to make, but do need some practice to do it right.  Sometimes the simplest things are harder to deal, because it's all in the details.  

My pediatrician said, it takes 8 times of trying to get used to new food.  Thanks God, I never give up to make new food for my kids.  This was a good move to show my kids are accepting the new stuff in their life.  I'm so glad !!! I often tell my kids, " The world is infinitely, take any chances that you could get, try it and enjoy it ...... Did I say it, right? 

My dearest kids, please do not be afraid or worry too much to try new things and meet new peoples, that the fun begins in your lives !!! Let's do it !~ 

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