

有沒有人像我一樣是那麼的喜歡櫛瓜而且無法制止的享用? 那麼你應該就會了解那柔軟又帶脆度的口感, 和在味蕾上的天然香甜多汁. 

我常告訴我的美國的朋友們, 亞洲的家庭通常在每一餐幾乎都會有炒青菜這道菜.  幾匙的油, 快炒少許的蒜或䓤和一大把的青菜.  還有什麼比這個更能維持我們飲食習慣的營養均衡的呢!然而在美國待久了之後, 因為新澤西這裡氣候寒冷的關係, 卻食用較多的根莖類蔬菜.  我還查覺炙烤的蔬菜味道特別明顯強烈, 而且超簡單的.  這也就是為什麼我把這些蔬菜湊成拼盤了.


1. 1 條櫛瓜斜切1公分左右的厚度. 
2. 我用了1條美國的大茄子, 但皮太厚實不易呑嚥.  下次我會用亞洲的細長茄子代替.  一樣斜切1公分左右的厚度. 
3. 1 把綠蘆筍折去尾端粗糙的部分. 
4. 1 盒蘑菇, 大的切4等分小的切半. 
5. 2-3顆的紅彩椒或是其它你喜歡的顏色彩椒. 
6. 香蒜粉. 
7. 海塩和新鮮黑楜椒. 

1. 3 大匙好品質的義大利香醋. 
2. 1 小匙的覆盆子或是草莓果醬. 
3. 1 小匙的義大利瑪莎拉甜酒. 
4. 新鮮的黑楜椒. 

簡單地將所有的沾醬材料混合在一起.  隨著自己對酸甜辣的喜好做調整.  

烤櫛瓜, 茄子, 綠蘆筍和磨菇: 

將這些蔬菜裝在塑膠袋裏, 淋上橄欖油和灑上香蒜粉, 翻拌均勻.  塩巴和黑楜椒在蔬菜要烤之前才灑上, 如此一來塩才不會帶走水份的流失.  

在烤盤上用刷子淡淡的抹上一層油用大火加熱.  在炙烤的過程當中保持鍋裏的潤滑, 鍋中才不會燒焦. 

放上蔬菜在烤盤上, 等一面烤上色後再翻面.  每面約2分鐘左右, 開始出現柔軟少許的汁液便可.  * 避免多餘的翻動, 蔬菜才能多汁有著漂亮的烤紋. 



將整顆甜紅椒抹上蔬菜油, 放在直接的火焰上烤至燒黑.  蓋上抹布或是膠膜冷卻後, 溼氣能幫助去皮.   你可以像大部分的人用廚房餐巾紙抹去外皮, 但我個人偏好用湯匙刮下.  請手輕一點別留失了紅椒內的甜汁, 別浪費了.  * 切勿冼淨 !!! 

如果你想多做些或是放久一點, 把你要裝的瓶子或容器用滾燙的熱水先燙過.  
壓碎1-2顆的蒜頭混合一些橄欖油.  我會直接用剪刀把炙烤過後的紅椒直接泡在蒜油𥚃.  在炎熱的夏天裏如果你喜歡淸爽直接的味道, 我會把油換成煮遇過的水對上白醋代替橄欖油, 蒜頭依舊.  




這些烤蔬菜不僅僅是任何一道食物的好配菜, 更棒的是如果加上一片有厚度的新鮮馬薩瑞拉起司, 便能做成很棒的三明治.  那瑪莎拉甜酒像香水一樣, 引領你到甜的覆盆子口味, 再進入那義大利香醋 ..... 好吃, 好吃, 好好吃喔! ~




Is there any body who just likes me love the zucchini so much and couldn't stop eating it ? Then, you should understand that soft but crunchy texture, naturally sweet and juicy flavor all over palates.  

I often tell my American friends that as an Asian family, we do eat sauté vegetable on most every meals.  A few tablespoons of oil, sauté with a big bundle of any kind of green with some garlic or scallion.  How healthy is that to keep our diet in balance nutrition.   Then, as longer I stay in US.  I would eat more roots and stem vegetable, because the cold weather here in NJ.  I also found out these grilled vegetables are more intense in flavor and super easy to make too.  Well, that's how I set up this vegetables plater.  

1. 1 zucchini sliced about 1 cm thick in dialogue angle. 
2. I used the large American eggplant, but the skin were very tough to eat, so I will switch to the Asian small long eggplant instead for next time.  Sliced it into 1 cm thickness do angle too. 
3. A bundle of Asparagus snip away the tough end off.  
4. 1 box of fresh mushrooms cut them in half or quarter if they are big.  
5. 2-3 sweet red peppers or any color peppers that you like. 
6.  Garlic powder.
7.  Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper.

Dipping sauce: 
1. 3 tablespoons of good quality Italian balsamic vinegar. 
2. 1 teaspoon of raspberry or strawberry jam.  
3. 1 teaspoon of Italian sweet masala wine.  
4. Fresh ground black pepper.  

Simple mix all these dipping sauce ingredients together, feel free to adjust your own sweet, sour and spicy taste.  

For grill zucchini, eggplant, Asparagus, mushrooms: 

Place the vegetables in the plastic bag, drizzle with Oliver oil and garlic powder, toast all over around.  Season salt and fresh ground black pepper right before grill, otherwise salt will take away the liquid out of vegetables then lost the juiciness.  

Lightly brush vegetables oil on top of grill then use high heat to up the grill pan.  * keep the grill pan rinsed with oil all the way to the grilling process, so the pan won't get burn.  

Place vegetables on the grill pan, when one side is done with grilling mark, then turn to other side.  When vegetables are tender and juice it will take about 2 minutes for each sides.  * Avoid filliping around so vegetables will remain juicy and come with beautiful grill marks. 

For roast peppers: 

Apply oil all over the red pepper which will give the roast peppers some smoky flavor that I adore. 

Place red peppers on the direct flamy heat.  Grill it to black char color, cover it with towel or plastic wrap to let it cool down, and the steam will be help to wipe it away.  You can clean the char skin with paper towels like every body does.  But, I personally like to use spoon to take the skin off.  Please to be gentle to keep pepper its own sweet juice inside and don't wasted it.  * No rinse needed !!! 

Have jars or any containers rinsed over with hot boiling water if you want to make more and keep it stay longer.  
Crush 1-2 cloves garlic mix with some olive oil.  I would just use scissor to cut the peppers directly in the garlic oil.  For the clean sharp taste during the hot summer time, I would switch the oil to cooked water with white vinegar instead of Olive oil, remains the garlic still. 

These grill vegetables are not just perfect as side dish.  It is also great to make a beautiful sandwich with a thick sliced fresh Mozzarella chess.  That sweet masala wine will be just like the perfume to lead the way to that sweet raspberry follow to that deep balsamic vinegar flavors.   Yum yum yum mm ! ~  

    創作者 露西蘇 Lucy Su 的頭像
    露西蘇 Lucy Su

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