

孩子們的腦袋瓜裡是很難預料的.  我的三個孩子們從出生就有這不同的個性, 尤其展現在挑食上.  當他們很小的時候, 我的小兒寧願餓到胃痛也不願意嘗試新的食物.  女兒肚子餓時只要吃美食, 如果我們餵她吃垃圾食物, 她是會翻臉的.  我家老大從小則有感官的問題, 舉凡嗅覺和口感都相當的敏感, 而且支配著他的飲食習慣, 也緩慢了影響他幼兒時期的學習成長.  我大兒子就這樣過了七年的素食主義者.  直到有一天他食了在韓國超市中試吃了牛肉.  從那天開始, 他就迷上了那昂貴的和牛, 從此以後就找上我麻煩了! 

上個星期六下午, 他要為我做份歐姆蛋當他的早午餐.  我以為我聽錯了, 因為他今年快滿16歲了, 他從來不吃蛋的.  所以我和老公重覆的和他確認.  是的!!! 他説的是歐姆雷沒錯, 而且他還點了自己想要的內餡.  

想要做好歐姆蛋你首先要能掌握火候.  蛋是很快就熟成的, 所以也很容易煮老了.  然而,不用擔心只要記得你有個開關可以控制火候即可, 就這樣而已 !!! 

*一個不沾鍋來做這道菜將非常合適, 油的需要量也能減少許多. 

1. 9吋半的鍋3颗蛋, 6吋半的鍋2顆蛋. 

我個人覺得6吋半的歐姆蛋很適合一人份.  鍋子也很可愛 ! 

1. 1 小顆任何你喜歡的洋蔥切小塊.  
2. 1 小顆的蕃茄. 
3. 少許的嫩葉菠菜, 隨意切或是用手稍微撕碎. 
4. 10-15個磨菇( 小顆的波特貝拉磨菇是我的最愛) 一樣切丁. 
5. 銳利口味的巧得起司, 香鹹的普姆隆起司或者是辣椒傑克都是不錯的選擇. 






*自從蛋會很滑嫩, 所有的蔬菜也都是原味.  所以在選擇起司上有個主導的味道來支配是好的.  

使用中高火和一點的油將洋蔥炒至透明.  和那磨菇的顏色變深.  
在一開始就放入少許塩可以幫助這些食材釋放出水分, 而且還能帶出很濃郁的香氣.  灑上塩巴和現磨的黑楜椒, 放置一旁. 




把不沾鍋加熱至中溫.  你可以放手在鍋子上數到四也不會被燙傷的程度.  那就是對的溫度可以塗抹足夠的奶油剛好蓋上整個鍋子.  再次提升至中溫, 但不能焦化.  不然蛋煮熟後會看起來很髒. 






我們家的人喜歡歐姆蛋外面帶點淡淡的金黃色, 裡面柔軟.  所以用中火來烹調最佳了.  但如果你喜歡非常軟嫩帶著淡淡的黃白色, 那麼用小火來煮.  

倒入蛋液入鍋中並且繞一下, 讓所有的蛋液蓋滿鍋子.  你將會注意到這些蛋從鍋子的邊緣開始凝結起來了.  你可以簡單的把這些先熟成的邊緣帶到中間, 但留些鍋中的蛋液足夠成型蓋滿整個鍋子.  或者你也可以一直不停的攪拌, 然後一樣留些蛋液把它煮成像煎餅一樣.  

*如果你是初學者, 可以在此把火熄了, 放入剩下的材料.  這樣一來就能避免把蛋煮老了.  假使你須要蛋再上色些, 只要再點上火就行了. 





隨後全面放入剝好絲的起司在所有的蛋上, 放入嫰菠菜葉, 洋蔥, 磨菇, 蕃茄在靠近你自己的半邊鍋子裏.  當蛋凝聚的很好, 在四處邊緣推一下, 並且當你晃動鍋子就能移動蛋時.  把它提至餐盤上, 然後輕輕的滑出並同時間蓋上. 哇啦 ..... 你這就做了最棒的歐姆蛋了. 











我很喜歡這些歐姆蛋有像肉一樣風味的尤其是小顆的波特貝拉磨菇, 蕃茄很不錯的酸度, 些許微辣的嫩菠菜葉和那甜又脆的洋蔥.  這看起來很容易做, 但實質上則需要一些練習才能做好它的.  有些時候越是簡單的事情反而難搞, 因為全都在細節上.

我的小兒醫師曾說, 嘗試新的東西需要八次以上的機會. 感謝老天爺我並未放棄做出新的食品給我的孩子們.  這是很好的轉變, 可以展現出我的孩子開始接受新的事物.  我相當的開心!!! 我常常告訴我的孩子們, " 世界無限大, 把握你可以得每一個機會, 去嘗試, 並且享受它 ...... 我說對了嗎?

我最親愛的孩子們, 不要害怕或是太多的擔憂去嘗試新的事物或是遇見新的人, 讓你們的人生開始充滿樂趣!!! 加油! ~


Kid's minds are very unpredictable.  My three kids all have born with different personalities, especially when it comes to picky on food.  When they were younger, my little guys would suffer himself till stomachache and still won't try new food.  My daughter only takes good tummy food.  If we feed her junks when she is starving, she would get very pissed.  My big boy has sensational issue since he was a baby, smells and textures are all very sensitive to dominate his eating habits, and slow down his learning proces in his early childhood.  My big boy was a vegetarianism for the first seven years in his life.  One Day he started to eat the beef from the Korean supermarket tasting car.  Then, he got hooked with that nice fancy Wagyu beef and I am in trouble since.  

Last Saturday, he came to me and asked me to make him the omelette for his brunch, I thought I missed understanding him, because he will be 16 years old soon, but he never really had eggs in his life.  So, my husband and I all double checked with him.  Yes !!! He really mention about " omelette  " and he required his filling too.  

Making a great omelette you have to be able to control the heat right, first.  Eggs cook very quickly so it's very easy to overcooked.  But, no worries, just remember you can control the heat by turning the switch, That's all !!!

*A nonstick pan will do the good job here and cost less oil.  

1. 3 eggs for 91/2 inches pan or 2 eggs for 61/2 inches pan.  Beat eggs well and set aside. 

Fillings for 2 91/2 inch or 3 61/2 inches omelette. 
1. 1 small size any kind of onion that you like, diced. 
2. 1 small tomato diced or roasted  sweet peppers which soaked in the garlic vinegar water, roughly chopped. 
3. Some baby Spinach roughly chopped or just break it with hands.  
4. 10-15 mushrooms ( Baby Portabella mushrooms are my favorite )  diced too.  
5. Sharp cheddar cheese or salty proberlon cheese or spicy pepper Jack are all fine.  

*Since the eggs will be soft and all the vegetables are original in mild flavors, it's good when you choose the cheese which could dominate the taste in this dish.  

Use medium high heat and oil to sauté onion till transparent and mushrooms get some darker color.  By adding fews salt in the beginning will help release the water content and brings out more intensive flavors from these vegetables itself.  Season salt and fresh ground black pepper.  Set aside.  

Heat up the other nonstick pan warm.  You can put your hand on top of pan and at least count to 4, and you won't get burned.  That would be the right temperature to 
apply just enough butter to cover the whole pan.  Bring it to warn again, but not burn, otherwise eggs will look dirty after it is cooked.

My family love our omelette lighty brown outside soft inside, so use medium heat to cook is perfect .  But, if you like it very soft and tender with pale yellow color, cook these eggs with low heat.  

Pour all the eggs mixture in the pan and swift around cover all the pan.  You will notice these eggs started to form from the edges.  You can simply just keep bring in the dry edges to the center, but save some eggs mixture enough to coat all over the pan too. Or, you can just keep stirring the eggs and save some eggs mixed to form pretty like a pancake. 

*Eggs should get more value at this stage.  
*For the beginner, you can turn the heat off at here to place all the rest of ingredients first to avoid overcooked the eggs.  If you need more colors on the omerlate, then turn the heat back. 

Following to place shredded cheese all over the eggs, laid down the spinach, onion, mushrooms, tomatoes diced on half side of pan close to you.  Push all over the edges, and when your eggs form well and it can be move as you shake the pan.  Bring to the serving plate then slightly it out, and fold it at the same time.  Wa la ...... You just make the best omelette ever.  






I adore this omerlate has meaty mushrooms, great acidity from tomatoes, peppery baby spinach and sweet crunchy onions.  This might look easy to make, but do need some practice to do it right.  Sometimes the simplest things are harder to deal, because it's all in the details.  

My pediatrician said, it takes 8 times of trying to get used to new food.  Thanks God, I never give up to make new food for my kids.  This was a good move to show my kids are accepting the new stuff in their life.  I'm so glad !!! I often tell my kids, " The world is infinitely, take any chances that you could get, try it and enjoy it ...... Did I say it, right? 

My dearest kids, please do not be afraid or worry too much to try new things and meet new peoples, that the fun begins in your lives !!! Let's do it !~ 

    創作者 露西蘇 Lucy Su 的頭像
    露西蘇 Lucy Su

    露西蘇的廚房日記 Lucy'S Kitchen Diary

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